Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Well, just caught Megamind on the big screen. Yeah i know it's a lil late but...HEY! it's australia, we're always late. Anyways, i've gotta say...awesome AWESOME animation man! There's sooo many little bitz here and there that just make the show awesome. Little takes and frowns and movements that really sell the characters emotion and thought process. Even hand gestures and head bobs take the story telling to a whole new level.

The story gags and pacing was...alright; very Ben stiller-ish lol. There's some parts that felt a little bumpy and rushed. Overall I think they did a pretty good job.

Next up! Looking foward to RIO!!! So hyped for it.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome animation specially the space dad part. I love the way they did for the lipsync.
