Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pixar's lineup

So the latest on Pixar's upcoming lineup for 2012 and 2013 are, Brave and Monster's University respectively. I was looking around for information on the upcoming Brave and found it to be quite interesting. Well first off it's Pixar's very first fairytail-ish feature. Apparently, it's also a first attempt at moving a little away from the Pixar film norms with a slightly darker storyline and grittier plot. More information on Wiki.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Captain America

Hey people, just came across something that I thought i'd share. Was reading an article recently on Cap the movie and apparently, to get the effect for skinny Steve Rogers and the bulky one, they went all out with altering the image in post production...FRAME BY FRAME. Kudos to the studio that took the time and effort man....must have been a crazy ride. Full article can be found here: