So what exactly is this last 10% a.k.a the polish phase that most animators refer to. Well it's the same thing that's been keeping me busy since the start of this last term of AM, hence a lack of presence on the blogs >.<
In any case it may be a little misleading calling it the last 10% as most of us tend to get the impression that it's simple cleanup house keeping etc. In reality, it can be anything from minor tweaks and cleanups to major overhauls and massive changes in your shots. Remember that feeling you got the last time you looked at your shot and went, "Geee...i wish i had changed how he got to that pose" or "hmmm he didn't looks quite like that was what he was doing". Yeah this is the time to make those changes.
I guess it's important to get yourself used to making big changes as working in the industry is no different. Director or supervising animator wants a change and bam you've gotta make that change. Don't be afraid to blow away large chunks of your animation, as this is all for improving the shot as a whole. Simple easy ways to manage the "bleeding" when you decide to "re-open the wound" would be to key all keys on the first pose just before the area of change and the last ok pose of that change, then WHAM delete everything and start fresh. This would mean doing the same things as before, blocking with nice solid poses splinning and pretty much the works.
You don't always want to re-renovate everything, at times working it through might prove to be the better option. Becareful however of "noodling" your shot to death (Reworking and adjusting things) You might end up losing important timing, accents and beats.